Intro to HTML
For this session basic HTML was reviewed. VS was used as the IDE as opposed to Atom. Atom will probably still be used for the foreseeable future until I manage to connect VS to git.
Eight distinct concepts were covered:
- Inline/Block Elements
- Paragraph Tags
- Address Tags
- Rule Breaks
- Quotation Tags
- Text Elements
- Embedded Images
- Link Tags/Hyperlinks
Inline/Block Elements: Inline elements and block elements are separated by their need for implicit/explicit use of breaks. Without breaks, inline elements continue on the same line, while block elements are spaced vertically by default.
Paragraph Tags: Paragraph tags are indented block elements that usually represent paragraphs.
<h1>Paragraph format</h1>
Paragraphs use tag p, which is a block tag<br>
so they skip lines
Address Tags: Address tags add disclaimer, address, or misc. information at the bottom of a webpage.
< Seoul, 654 Street >
All Rights Reserved
< TestCode
<!-- < is < and > is >
HTML special characters can be typed out with their codes
some characters are allocated a code so that they don't conflict with
existing HTML syntax
Rule Breaks: Rule Breaks are plain horizontal times used as thematic separators: as demonstrated plainly in this blog post.
<h1>horiz line</h1>
<p>Horizontal lines are thematic separators, i.e. a literal line on
the page that separates content
<p>JS uses dynamic elements for this ^</p>
Quotation Tags: Quotation Tags delineate long-form quotes. Ideally. They can be used for any kind of quotes, though.
<h1><blockquote> and <q></h1>
<p>Poem Lyrics</p>
<h2><p> element</h2>
<p>author: <q>bongus</q></p>
Text Elements:
Text Elements, or just a fancy way of saying “formatting rules”. There are headers
<h1>text elements</h1>
<p>now <em>HTML</em> programming</p>
<p>real <strong>HTML</strong> programming</p>
<h2>two lines of pure programming</h2>
<p><abbr title="Real Programming Hours">RPH</abbr></p>
Embedded Images: Self explanatory, really. Parameters such as HxW can be specified in the arguments for the tag.
<br><img width="400px" height="400px" src="img\dog.jpg">
Link Tags/Hyperlinks: Another self-explanatory-pie. The address is specified as an argument, and can also be used to jump around in a page if the locations are set up and specified.
<a href="">Youtube</a>
<a href="">Netflix</a>
<a href="">Spotify</a>
<a href="">Youtube</a><br>
<a href="">Netflix</a><br>
<a href="">Spotify</a>
That’s all (for today), folks!