Today’s session was spent on the basics of Javascript.

  • Functions
  • Local and Global Variables
  • Built-in Functions
  • Constructors in JS
  • Events


Continuing from last time, functions in JS can be called from anywhere in a document, including the body. Note the function is called for with a return command, such that the element gives the return type in the function.

<br><a href="#" onclick="return nextPic()">&gt;&gt;</a>

Executes nextPic() after clicking element.

var num = 1;
function nextPic(){
    if(num === 3){
        num = 0;
    document.getElementById("pic").src = "img/cat" + num + ".jpg";
    return false;

Local and Global Variables

Javascript variables have function and global scope, similar to how methods and classes in Java can be public or private. This limits the locations from which a variable can be accessed.

Local, or function scope variables are only accessed from within their containing function.

function theFnc(){
    var num;
    num = 30;


Global variables can be called from anywhere but only inherit their value as defined globally.
Meaning that a global variable called within a function and modified within the same function does not have their “global” value changed.

var num;
function theFnc(){
    num = 30;


#Note: Global variables called inside functions essentially exist in two forms: their global var and the var within the function. The same var called in another function retains the values of the global var.

Built-in Functions:

Mostly parsers.

var result1 = eval("10 + 20;"); //most often can be used to parse strings received from prompts
var num = 100;
"); document.write(eval("num")+10+"
"); var infiniteValue = 1/0; document.write(infiniteValue+"<br"); var result2 = isFinite(infiniteValue); console.log(result2); var result3 = isNaN(1/"a"); document.write(1/"a" + "
") document.write(result3 + "
"); todo: Number() String() escape() unescape()


Constructors are identical to that of Java:

function computer(cpuInfo, ramInfo, ssdInfo){
    this.cpu = cpuInfo;
    this.ram = ramInfo;
    this.ssd = ssdInfo;

    this.totInfo = function(){
        document.write("manufactured by: amd");


//Constructed object:
var myCom2 = new computer("AMD", "16GB", "2TB");
document.write(myCom.cpu + "
"+ myCom.ram + "
" + myCom.ssd + "
"); myCom.totInfo();


JS events are actions applied to HTML elements that occur when a specified condition occurs. Refer to JS documentation for a full list.

Crucially, there are functions events that are sequence-dependent, meaning that they may not activate, unless they are bookended by events, which can activate them at an appropriate time during the runtime.

For instance, the below code reads a value from a tag, but is skipped in execution:

var h1Tag = document.getElementsByClassName("noData");

With an event, this command can be executed after the page loads and the tag element is visible.

window.onload = function(){
var h1Tag = document.getElementsByClassName("noData");


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JS Built-In Methodss
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