Introduction to JS ES6
JS’s ECMAScript 6 revision has additional features over earlier revisions of JS to bring it in line with other programming languages.
- var Keyword in JS
- let Keyword
- const Keyword
- Declaring Functions
- Spread Function and Destructuring
var Keyword in JS
The standard keyword for declaring variables in JS var has three quirks: it has global scope, is hoisted on runtime, and can be re-declared (“duplicated”) outside of it’s local block.
A JS variable declared with keyword var can be declared again:
var x=1;
var x = 100;
All variables declared with var have global scope:
var x = 1;
if (true) {
var x = 10;
1 10 10
The same behavior persists with different types of code blocks (for(){}, blank curly brackets {}, etc.)
Lastly, any variables declared with the var keyword are hoisted and initialized, other declarations are only hoisted until initialized.
x = 1;
var x = 1;
let Keyword
ES6 introduces the let keyword, of which variables declared with let behave like variables in other C-family languages.
Unlike var:
- *let* cannot be re-declared
- *let* has local scope, within its own block
- *let* is hoisted but not initialized until it is directly done so in code
let bar = 123;
const Keyword
ES6 introduces the const keyword, which has the same behavior as let, but declares constants. This is similar to the behavior of the final keyword in Java.
const foo = 1;
Constants may not be declared empty in JS.
Declaring Functions
As observed previously, functions can be saved to variables, which can then be used in constructors or as methods:
var foo = function(){
return 1;
new foo(); // => foo {}
var obj = {ddd:foo};
Another feature of JS are arrow functions, which act as shorthand for the function keyword.
They are written in the syntax:
E.x. 1:
const plus = (x,y) => {return x+y};
*is shorthand for*
const plus = function (x,y) {return x+y;}
E.x. 2: Note the function receives null.
const hello = () => {return "hello";}
*is shorthand for*
var hello = function(){return "hello";}
Spread and Destructure
The spread function […] is useful in unpacking lists(arrays) in JS into a string.
let numList = [1, 2, 3];
1, 2, 3 1 2 3
Destructuring expressions are an extension of this concept, allowing lists to be individually assigned to variables.
const arr2 = [4, 5, 6];
const [four, five, six] = arr2;
console.log(four, five, six);
4, 5, 6
The variables four, five, and six are the variables in which the deconstructed elements of the array of stored in.