As previously mentioned, scriptlets are largely outmoded. EL and JSTL can be used for many of the same functions.

This post will discuss:

  • Expression Language
  • JSTL

Expression Language

Expression Language directly replaces expression tags. It is written in syntax:


EL supports the following types:

  • Primitives
  • Parameters, of defined Scope or otherwise
  • Implicit objects in pageContext
  • Methods within Scope

Most common functions, declarations, initializations, etc. cannot be executed within EL tags. EL should only be used to set/get data and execute methods that return data. Other logic should be executed within beans, then offloaded to the view component.

Java Standard Tag Library

JSTL provides a set of HTML-like tags that provide Java Pages functionality within a JSP, without directly placing Java logic in a JSP document. The tags are as follows:

Output a value:

<c:out value="BJ"/>

Set a variable usable by JSTL tags within the document.

<c:set var="OBJ" value="OBJ" scope="SCOPE"/>

Remove a previously created variable.

<c:remove var="OBJ" scope="SCOPE"/>

If statement. If the condition is true, code within the tags is parsed.

<c:if test="CONDITION" var="OBJ"></c:if>

Switch case. If the condition for the case is true, code within the tags is parsed.

<c:choose><c:when test="CONDITION"></c:when></c:choose>

For statement. If the condition is true, code within the tags is continuously parsed.

//Standard FOR statement
<c:forEach begin="INT" end="INT" step="INT"><c:forEach>
//List/Enum FOR statement
<c:forEach items="LIST" var="OBJ"><c:forEach>

JSTL has the above core tags, but its functionality can be extended with other components of the JSTL library, such as fn functions.


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